Topics include: programming, Apple, Unix, gadgets, large-scale web sites and other nerdy stuff.


A tool for quickly checking analytics packages
Another cool physics/flash game, stick remover.
Apple iPhone looks very cool, but...
Apple might have a case vs. Cisco?
The Google releasing user-space file system for Mac
Handy URL encoder/decoder
How to disable Ruby "Insecure world writable dir" warnings
How to find out what process is using a disk on Mac OS X.
How to get PHP 5 working with MySQL 5 on CentOS 4.x
How to set connect time out on Java sockets
More Apple iPhone Questions
Note to self: check for OpenOffice Aqua every month.
Note to self: web page weight optimizer.
OS X Theme for Ubuntu
Speculation on the future iPod
The sea change in the music business.
Tutorial on making an emacs major mode.